If you or someone you love is new to disability, then this website will be a great navigational tool.
In this site are the kinds of information and resources you or they will need to become more empowered and more independent.
Disability is a challenge, but you can learn how to stay in control of your own life. It involves making some adjustments and doing things a little differently and a lot of “thinking out of the box”.
With the right information and support, the journey to greater independence is not only possible but rewarding. Be assured, the journey has been traveled by millions of people just like you. So think of this as your toolbox to greater independence and a better quality of life!
Never forget, this is your life. Take control of it starting today. You are unique so choose what is best for you and begin a fascinating journey of self-determination. Then, someday you will be able to play it forward to someone just starting out.
Marion R. Trimble